New Advanced Precision Cleaning Chemistry Approved by U.S. E.P.A.

Press Release from MicroCare Corp

New Advanced Precision Cleaning


Chemistry Approved by U.S. E.P.A.





First Drums of the New Vertrel® Sion™ Product


Are Shipped by MicroCare




After years of research and regulatory reviews involving numerous federal agencies, the U.S.


Environmental Protection Agency, through its SNAP process, approved in July 2015 the


commercialization of the new molecule from Chemours (ex-DuPont) optimized for critical


cleaning. With this approval, the new material now can be offered for sale in almost every


country in the world.


The specific molecule is


“methoxytridecafluoroheptene” (MPHE). It will be


marketed under the trade name Vertrel® Sion™ by


Chemours. MicroCare is the authorized source for


Chemours fluids in many parts of the world.


MicroCare made the first commercial shipments of


drums and pails of Vertrel® Sion™ fluids to


customers in the U.S. this month.


Tom Tattersall, MicroCare Executive Vice President


and Chief Operating Officer, sees this as a


breakthrough. “We’re thrilled that the last regulatory


hurdle finally has been cleared. Vertrel® Sion™


fluids will help companies clean better, faster, less


expensively and with the lowest GWP environmental profile than any current technology. We


are confident it will become the preferred replacement chemistry for nPB, TCE, HCFCs and


high cost HFE precision cleaners.”


Nonflammable MPHE is in the HFO family of chemistries. This new fluid is approved for use


in vapour degreasers, in aerosol dispensers and in adhesive applications. In terms of


cleaning performance and handling, it replaces trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, n-propyl


bromide (nPB), HCFC-225, alcohol, acetone, MEK and other fluids where maximum cleaning


power is needed.















Product Details





“The first product we will be shipping is an extra-strength degreaser,” explains David


Ferguson, MicroCare Product Manager for Precision Cleaning Products. “Long-term we will


tailor the formulations, add new capabilities, package it in aerosols, and adapt this molecule


for a variety of critical cleaning chores. It’s versatile, it works great, it’s safe and it’s extremely




The Chemours Vertrel® Sion™


fluid is being commercialized by


MicroCare in North America.


Samples and finished product are


being pre-positioned at MicroCare


warehouses in Belgium and


Singapore, allowing speedy deliveries when customers are ready.


The first Vertrel® Sion™ product to be commercialized is an azeotrope of MPHE and t-DCE.


This formulation compares favourably to the most aggressive chlorinated and brominated


solvents. The product is generally considered very safe for people, with an 8-Hour TWA


exposure limit of 200 ppm. It features a Kb value of 103, the boiling point is 47°C, the density


is 1.28 g/L, the surface tension is ~21 dyn/cm and the viscosity is 0.42 cP. These


characteristics make the first Vertrel® Sion™ azeotrope an outstanding choice for vapor




The Vertrel® Sion™ fluid is exceptionally stable, so there is no acid testing or stabilizer


maintenance. The product can be used in standard designed vapour degreasing equipment.


This means costs are minimized and the environmental footprint is dramatically reduced.



Customer Implications





MicroCare plans a tightly structured roll-out of the new product in 4Q2015 and early 2016. For


more than two years the company has performed extensive beta-testing of the chemistry and


is “extremely confident” of the molecule’s behaviour and performance.


“We’re not going to blanket the world with it, not yet,” Mr. Ferguson adds. “We’re introducing it


in a very controlled schedule so we can provide full technical support to each customer”.


For the details about the Vertrel® Sion™ formulations, contact MicroCare. These products


are be available from selected authorized MicroCare distributors in the U.S., in Europe and


around the globe. For more details, visit MicroCare at Hall A4, Stand 101, or click through to












For further information contact:






Havendoklaan 13d


Cargovil-Vilvoorde, B-1804 Belgium


Tel: +32 2 251 95 05


On the web:


Email: [email protected]







595 John Downey Drive


New Britain, CT 06051 USA


Tel: +1 (860) 827-0626


Fax: +1 (860) 827-8105


In North America, dial (800) 638-0125


Email: [email protected]







102E, Pasir Panjang Road #03-01,


Citilink Warehouse Complex


Singapore 118529


Tel: +65 6271 0182


Fax: +65 6512 5068


Email: [email protected]



Editor’s notes:





Since 1983, MicroCare Corporation has been the leading manufacturer of cost-effective,


environmentally-progressive fluids and tools used for precision cleaning, coating and


lubrication. These products are supplied to a wide variety of industries such as electronics,


metal finishing, transportation, photonics, medical devices and aerospace with a goal of


helping clients improve their own products, their quality and their processes. MicroCare also


features the industry’s leading product stewardship program, helping companies to be certain


they are using these products properly, safely and economically.


MicroCare Corporation has an ISO 9001-2008 registered quality system and is continually


improving and expanding its innovative range of products ensuring it is the favoured choice


globally. MicroCare Corporation includes the MicroCare®, Sticklers® and MicroCare


Medical™ among its many brands.



For all media enquiries contact Sally Stone, [email protected],


Hart Marketing International Ltd, Canada House, 1 Carrick Way, New Milton, Hampshire,


BH25 6UD, United Kingdom T: +44 (0)1425 611600

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