L&M Radiator is the worldwide manufacturer and distributor of MESABI‚ flexible core radiators and heat exchangers for all mobile and stationary heavy-duty equipment. All MESABI‚ products feature individually replaceable cooling tubes held in headers with flexible rubber seals. The seals absorb stresses and thermal expansion that can crack rigid soldered seams. The seals also allow damaged tubes to be removed and replaced in the field – often without removing the radiator or heat exchanger. Because tubes and seals can be replaced as needed, MESABI‚ heat exchangers can be returned to 100% cooling capacity over and over again.
Products with the MESABI‚ design are engine radiators, oil coolers, tube and shell coolers, and charge air coolers. L&M manufactures a MESABI‚ retrofit replacement radiator for Caterpillar‚ cores. Radiators are available with brass finning brazed to brass tubes for saltwater and other corrosive environments. Complete engine radiators – tanks, cores and frameworks – can be specified on OEM applications for all heavy-duty diesel engine cooling. If only the core is desired, MESABI‚ cores interchange with virtually all conventional bolt-on cores. Complete engine cooling packages are available from the simple to the complex, including remote power units with fans and drives; also designs to meet all current and past emission requirements and standards.
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