SureBus is a game changing web-based fleet management cloud application platform, which can allow fleet manager to do driver monitoring, GPS tracking, real-time remote video streaming, wireless auto downloading, stop-arm violation detection, vehicle auto-maintenance & diagnostics, and remote configuration, etc.
Live GPS
Surebus provides live GPS tracking platform with real-time health monitoring.
Real-Time Video
Surebus provides real-time video streaming at the lowest cost of data usage.
Cloud Based
Surebus provides auto video downloading and cloud platform for customers.
Smart Report
Surebus provides reports on idle time, health alarm, driver attendance, etc.
Surebus provides the most efficient route schedule design and real-time tracking.
DVR cameras + Surebus Fleet management platform. The dream plan came true.
Modern Vehicles use CanBus to transfer information between the various electronic vehicle systems. This communication network can provide a wide range data that can be used to reduce running costs, improve driver safety, streamline maintenance processes and support environmental responsibility.
Fortress Mobile’s SureBus system is a warranty-friendly solution that connects into the CanBus system to remotely access added understanding into the performance and use of a vehicle.
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