Education Logistics Inc.

3000 Palmer Street
Missoula, MT 59808

About Education Logistics Inc.

EDULOG is the industry leader in computer software for K-12 operations management. EDULOG believes that software is only part of the solution and are committed to providing all the necessary services for successful school district operations. EDULOG's approach consistently generates savings that pay for themselves in as little as one year’s time. Our cost-effective and efficient solutions allow the savings to continue so that over time some of the money saved can go back into the district’s limited budget. EDULOG helps the school district do more with less. EDULOG provides solutions for all of your transportation redistricting fleet maintenance and facilities management needs.

Competitors of Education Logistics Inc.

Education Logistics Inc.

EDULOG is the industry leader in computer software for K-12 operations management. EDULOG believes that software is only part of the solution and are committed to providing all the necessary services for successful school district operations. EDULOG's approach consistently generates savings... Read More