
7160 Riverwood Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1245

About Xerox

People and goods will always need to get from place to place. The challenges: ever-growing congestion and pollution, increasing demands for portability, and a lack of public funds to enact programs.

Xerox can help you, with revenue collection and regulation compliance services worldwide. From fare collection to toll solutions, back-office processing to infrastructure installation, we provide systems and services to help you solve transportation problems.

Competitors of Xerox

Luminator Technology Group

Luminator Technology Group

Luminator Technology Group is a globally recognized leader in transit technology, delivering a full range of passenger information, video security, air treatment and lighting solutions for bus and rail applications. Luminator provides tangible benefits to operators and passengers with a focus on... Read More

Clever Devices Ltd.

Clever Devices Ltd.

Clever Devices' solutions help public transportation providers operate more efficiently, reduce costs, and deliver services that meet their riders' needs. Our goal is to make meaningful contributions to worldwide mobility and be the leading provider of technology that improves the quality of... Read More


Zonar is a transportation technology company that helps pupil transportation fleets improve regulatory compliance, increase fleet efficiency, and improve safety. Fleets utilize Zonar’s suite of solutions to capture vehicle-related data that can be integrated with other backend systems or viewed... Read More